Presentations & Workshops
February, 2013
Mr. MacLean presented EHS Leadership - What’s Happening Now, at Mercer HSE Networks Corporate Environmental Forum Meeting in Washington, D.C.
June, 2011
Mr. MacLean provided an interview for the article Safe and Sustainable - How does EHS fit in with the ‘green’ movement?, Appearing in Safety + Health newsletter.
March, 2011
Mr. MacLean presented Careers in EHS - What's Next?, at a major pharmaceutical company's annual global meeting in NJ.
25 October 2008
Mr. MacLean ran a half day workshop Competing in a Global Economy - Essential Environmental Performance Areas for senior business managers in
Hunan Province
CE in the News
Richard MacLean is listed with, the country’s leading provider of world-class speakers to meeting planners and event and facility managers.
Award of Excellence
Mr. MacLean’s column, Environmental Leadership, appearing in the journal, Environmental Quality Management has won the APEX Award for Publication Excellence in 2007 and 2009.
Note that most of MacLean’s current articles appearing in publications such as EM magazine, Environmental Quality Management, and The Environmental Forum are not free, unlike the earlier Environmental Protection magazine articles. To continue receiving all of these writings for free, please sign up on the mailing list.
Mr. MacLean was interviewed and extensively quoted in the article Green is Good appearing in a recent issue of Fast Thinking, an Australian-based magazine similar in format and content to the US-based Wired magazine.
Mr. MacLean is also quoted in recent issues of Industrial Safety and Hygiene News and in Business - IT Strategies published by Cutter Consortium.
Mr. MacLean's writings are receiving more and more attention. His work is frequently reprinted in various newsletters, magazines and internet-based information resources. For example:
The May 2009 article, Visions of Sustainability, is being translated into Polish and published in the quarterly magazine "Przemysl &Srodowisko"
American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia featured Mr. Maclean's article Are Voluntary Standards Working? in the Chamber magazine News & Views in 2008.
Ongoing websites
Mr. MacLean’s articles are featured on the web sites for scores of organizations. A few are listed below:
Mr. MacLean's article, IT'S NOT MY JOB: In a changing business environment, just what are your job responsibilities? is featured on the Board of Environmental, Health & Safety Auditor Certifications (BEAC) website and also The Compliance Resource Center website.
Select publications from Mr. MacLean are now included on the Environmental Expert website. Environmental Expert is an independent business publisher maintaining a web-based information center for environmental professionals and businesses world-wide. Click here to view a list of the articles featured.
Several of Mr. MacLean's articles are featured on the Sustainable Design Forum
Mr. MacLean's articles are featured on the following websites: Board of Environmental, Health & Safety Auditor Certifications (BEAC); The Compliance Resource Center; Environmental Bankers Association; ChemAlliance; Corporate Governance. |