
Strategic Direction in a Competitive Environment

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Management Strategy & Systems

The foundation of our management strategy is its proprietary process called Business Vision Alignment.™  In simple terms it is a process used to see eye to eye with executive business management on how EHS adds value to the business. Vision Alignment is particularly useful to determine business management’s key priorities, sensitivities and performance metrics. It is also worthwhile to determine if there are any major "disconnects" among the executives over the vision, goals, timing, and objectives. Another useful purpose is to both deliver key messages about the EHS group (e.g., major successes and goals) and also probe for concerns about how the EHS organization is currently performing (e.g., What should it be doing better? More of? Less of?). Vision Alignment combines both the art and the science of executive management interactions.  For more information click on the picture at the top left.

Organizational Restructuring
  • Provided a major multinational client with a career competency model for all EHS staff members.
  • Developed a database of services provided by staff and line HSE organizations used for aligning roles and responsibilities across a multinational.
  • Developed an overall strategy for implementing an EHS shared services organization within a major multinational corporation.
  • Changed the structure of a large utility from a centrally controlled EHS organization to a decentralized organization with corporate oversight, guidance and leadership.
  • Restructured the EHS training programs for GE through partnerships with existing business training programs, the Corporate management training institute (Crotonville) and the Company's major culture change initiative (Work-Out).
  • Formulated strategies to integrate the environmental programs of multi-billion dollar acquisition of RCA into GE.
  • Direct experience in reengineering techniques used by General Electric (GE’s Work-Out) and those developed by Michael Hammer (Hammer & Co.) and James Champy (Reengineering the Corporation).
  • Reengineered the EHS department of a large utility to a leaner organization, saving nearly 25% in annual expenses and simultaneously increasing capability and output. Morale was maintained higher than the company averages, as measured in internal company surveys, in spite of employee cutbacks.
  • Reengineered the R&D department of Arizona Public Service (APS) to replace a bundled utility industry research organization (EPRI) with a more cost effective portfolio of strategic alliances with other R&D organizations, both domestic and abroad (e.g., Electricite de France, Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas [Mexico]). The majority of the work by this department focused on clean technologies (e.g., electric vehicles) and renewable energy production (e.g., solar).
  • Reorganized the environmental infrastructure and promoted the exchange of best practices among GE's 13 decentralized businesses through a network of councils, task forces and workshops. This same structure is used by GE today.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an ideal tool to re-engage management on emerging issues, and priorities to:

  • Obtain budget support
  • Demonstrate shareholder value
  • Coordinate internal and external resources
  • Increase business management's awareness of emerging issues

The strategic planning model developed by CE has been described in several publications and is based on six major steps with sixteen sub-steps, including the basic, but often overlooked step of vision, value and mission definition. CE has used this model to:

  • Provide ongoing strategic planning assistance to several major corporations in the pharmaceutical and construction industry sectors.
  • Performed strategic review of a major multinational's strategic plan prior to Board presentation.
  • Delivered several workshops to executive management groups.
  • Supported the initiation of the first systematic EHS strategic planning process for several major multinationals.
Business Transactions
  • Provided acquisition and divestiture support on over 100 business transactions ranging in size from one million to over one billion dollars.
  • Provided acquisition review strategy to numerous businesses in foreign countries and US territories including Hungary, Australia, France, Japan, and Puerto Rico.
  • Provided a benchmark survey on current due diligence practices to a large foreign-based multinational.
  • Planned, developed and implemented a methodology to establish a baseline of contaminated site issues for a US-based utility. This was done in close partnership with the Legal and Finance departments.
Management Systems & Programs
  • Provided independent reviews of the EHS management systems of several major corporations.
  • Established energy conservation programs leading to the first “Utility Ally of the Year Award” as part of EPA’s “Green Lights” Program.
  • Designed the corporate driven pollution prevention strategy for General Electric. This was the first systematic effort by corporate headquarters to promote the benefits of pollution prevention over emission (i.e., end-of-the-pipe) control.
  • Led the team that created the award winning “Environmental Showcase Home” in Phoenix, Arizona. The home showcases energy techniques, water conservation technologies, and new construction methods that minimize waste and utilize building materials made from recycled materials.
  • Designed systems to reduce water consumption and increase recycling in manufacturing facilities in Australia, Brazil, Holland, Japan, and Mexico.

If you would like additional information, please complete the feedback form or contact:

Richard MacLean
350 Hidden Valley Drive
Prescott, AZ 86303-5384
928-777-9212 phone
480-227-7079 cell
Internet: richard@rmacleanllc.com

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This Site Updated: 8/15/2018